Eventhough SPM is calling..I still practicing breakdance..Exercise..>_<
At Soul Society..not many breakdancers i knew..
n im still newbie..It was Farell N Gerald who teach me Those move..1st time..i was watching they practice at class..i was interest to try some of the easy one..n i manage to learn some tricks in short time..but my whole Body(Expecially the back)...sakit lah..>_<
after weeks of training..we decided to form a Team..(Its For Fun Only)..The Name Is...
~ There's Such A Sad Love, Deep In Your Eyes...~
dark worrior online stast guide..
From: kinghaza
this formula is good fr lvl 10 and below coz doesn't work so well above it.
take your trainings (cx in the gym seek advise) and add them all together. divide it by your level, and then divide by four. heres the numbers:
.0-.75- weak
.75-1.5- not as weak
1.5-2.25- average
2.25-3.00- strong
3.00-4.5-really strong
4.5+- pretty much invincible
Total gain record:
Since you have been going to the gym, you have gained:
20.105 Strength.
20.000 Agility.
20.005 Defense.
13.946 Wisdom.
74.056 divide by 5 = 14.8112 divide by 4 = 3.7028
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